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Fingerprint Examination



With various types of examinations, cheating has never stopped, but intensified. Will not really have the capability, knowledge of the selection and the examination has lost the meaning of the test.

Fingerprint is unique and exclusive, not afraid of losing, not fake. Victoria, fingerprint examination management system is a good solution for the problem.


System structure

Examination Center server contains candidates Fingerprint Identification System server, and database. The data is stored on the server with the basic information and fingerprints of all the candidates. Fingerprint Capturing even a PC installed with the application point candidates fingerprint verification system software client. As the software acquisition candidates and the fingerprint system work. All point to the application server associated with the PC, server access to students from the basic data acquisition candidates fingerprints into the background characteristics of a fingerprint database


Remote Learning

Perhaps the financial payoff from using biometrics in the education system is derived in the remote learning universities, where now, with the help of fingerprint readers or other device , off site student identity can be positively established and monitored. The resulting increased confidence in the integrity of the learning process works to enhance reputation of universities



Stop Identity Theft

Operational costs reductions due to simplicity of use and faster process

Administration & Maintenance costs reduction

Easy Deployment

Highly Secured Fingerprint Information