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T&A/ Access control
 Best IT management solution for education, enterprise,kingergarten,Point of sales......



The old process of  write your name, time, sign and get what you need is increasingly viewed as not safe enough. With Winuim fingerprint devices and software, it is easy to verify identities.

The main benefit is the fact that it provides secure infrastructure to any IT department in the educational, Retail, or other industries, which currently suffer from Identity Theft during its main authentication activities (e.g. Point Of Sale, Libraries, Cafeterias, and time & attendance). Most of the time, this phenomenon will end up affecting the organization's "Bottom Line" due to "buddy punching" in Time & attendance as well as educational organizations applications, and unauthorized transactions & activities in POS applications.




In many schools, students are required to authenticate themselves in the campus public locations such as classroom, cafeteria, library, and nurse's office, or for attendance tracking purposes. The legacy systems in use today include magnetic stripes (swipe cards), barcodes and PIN pads. The solution replaces these means by an advanced biometric authentication method.


Point of Sale

The solution is the perfect PnP biometric system that can seamlessly replace POS authentication method based on either magnetic stripes or barcodes. The system increases security, eliminates Identity Theft, speeds up all authentications process in the POS.



The solution is the perfect PnP biometric system that seamlessly replaces T&A legacy authentication method, with biometric fingerprint verification. The system increases security, eliminates "Buddy Punching", and speeds up the clocking in & out processes.



Any enterprise that target higher level of security & convenience and would like to replace the legacy authentication method by modern, fast, secure, convenience, and cost.




Provides cost-effective solution

That uses a user's fingerprint for accurate identification. It seamlessly integrates with existing applications to provide positive identification of users using these services. The system can be used in various applications such as in educational facilities (the classroom, cafeteria, library, and nurse's office), Point of Sale (POS), and Time & Attendance applications. 


Eliminates administrative problems and costs

Considerable costs and disruptions are caused by the necessary replacement of forgotten, lost or stolen swipe cards, PIN numbers and identification cards. However, the users' fingers cannot be forgotten, stolen, lost, or shared. It's something they always have with them! 


Simplifies administration

Users are entered into the system only once. No matter how many applications / entries an administrator chooses to use, the user is enrolled only once. This also means administrators and support staffs no longer need to spend precious time replacing cards or reissuing PINs. 



No need to replace the current software systems. Our state-of-the-art software is fully integrated and works with most applications corporate already have. There is no need to spend money to replace systems already in place. In addition, the system is fully scaleable. It can operate a single entry or provide identification and access to an entire corporate facilities / school district. It allows administrators to control user identification with a single common database. 


Privacy concerns

The system will NOT store actual fingerprint images. It is important to note that at no time will the system software store actual fingerprint images. It will store only templates that are a numeric representation of the individual fingerprint. Although a template can be used for matching, the actual fingerprint cannot be "reconstructed" from a template. 


Furnishes everything needed to identify and track users

The system is a biometric replacement for swipe card readers, bar code readers and PIN pads. It consists of:

Software that identifies users by scanning their fingers.

State-of-the-art biometric finger scanners.