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What is 1: N?

SEARCHING/IDENTIFICATION - Automated fingerprint identification is the process of automatically matching one or many unknown fingerprints against a database of known and unknown prints. Automated fingerprint identification systems are primarily used by law enforcement agencies for criminal identification initiatives, the most important of which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes.

 What is 1:1?

VERIFICATION - Automated fingerprint verification is a closely-related technique used in applications such as attendance and access control systems. On a technical level, verification systems verify a claimed identity (a user might claim to be John by presenting his PIN or ID card and verify his identity using his fingerprint), whereas identification systems determine identity based solely on fingerprints.

How does the fingerprint system work? 


 First measurement (acquisition)

Creation of master characteristics

Storage of master characteristics


Creation of new characteristics




Initial biometric sample is acquired

Template is created

It is very unlikely that two biometric readings of the same person will produce exactly the same results.

Therefore, a template containing information about important features of the particular metric is used.


A biometric reading is taken for each authentication attempt.

The reading is compared to the stored template of the claimed entity.

A matching algorithm determines if the recent reading matches the template

The allowable amount of difference between the recent reading and the template is algorithm dependent.


Compare a sample against a single stored template

Typical application: Verifying a financial transaction, receiving prescription medication, accessing an online secure data source.




Search a sample against a database of templates.

Typical application: Front counter check-in, HIPPA patient ID regulation compliance, detention center inmate booking, employee time tracking.



n              Enrollment

n                                      Sample Capture

n                                      Features Extraction

n                                      Template Storage

n                                           (reader device, central database, smart card)


n              Verification

n                                      Sample Capture

n                                      Feature Extractions

n                                      1-1 Matching

n              Identification

n                                      Sample Capture

n                                      Feature Extractions

n                                      1-many Matching